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Category, plural categories, may refer to: Contents. 1 Philosophy and general uses; 2 Mathematics; 3 Linguistics; 4 Other; 5 See also. Philosophy and general. Category definition, any general or comprehensive division; a class.

Syntax: contained in: description: Adds a category name to an intent filter. See for details on intent filters and the role of category specifications within a filter. Attributes: android:name The name of the category.


Standard categories are defined in the class as CATEGORY_ name constants. The name assigned here can be derived from those constants by prefixing ' android.intent.category.' To the name that follows CATEGORY_. For example, the string value for CATEGORY_LAUNCHER is ' android.intent.category.LAUNCHER'. Note: In order to receive implicit intents, you must include the category in the intent filter. The methods and treat all intents as if they declared the category. If you do not declare it in your intent filter, no implicit intents will resolve to your activity.

Custom categories should use the package name as a prefix, to ensure that they are unique. Introduced in: API Level 1 see also: Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The bottom of a Wikipedia article on. At the very bottom of the page, below the References, navigation templates and external links are a series of links. These links are the categories used on the page, which include:,,,. By clicking on the category link at the bottom of the page, readers can navigate the Category tree (see below). Category tree All of the categories form a hierarchy, although sub-categories may be a member of more than one category. An example of a small part of this hierarchical structure looks somewhat like this: ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ New South Wales, Queensland, etc. The actual relationship is more complex since a category may appear as a subcategory of several other categories.

Air Serbia Fitness To FLy| 8. DIAGNOSIS UNACCEPTABLE PERIOD OF INFECTIVITY MEDIF REQUIREMENTS COMMENTS Influenza If symptomatic (i.e. Fever, cough) 1 day before – 5-10 days after onset of symptoms If unsure Measels Within 7 days of onset of rash From onset of symptoms – 4 days after onset of rash. Papku peredvizhku teatralizovannaya deyateljnostj doshkoljnikov.

The actual relationship of part of the category structure looks like this.