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Secondary school №1 FAMILY TREE The work has been done by Tiunova Kate The teacher: Obukhova N.A. Vereshchagino 2012 CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 7 • Introduction • Passport of the project • Conclusion • Literature • Appendix Introduction We learned the words about the family in the 2d form. It was our first acquaintance with it. Later in the 5 th form we got more information about every member of the family: traits of character, family description, occupation, hobby.
Now in this form we have learned the words about the relations in the family, parents’ and children’s responsibilities. When the teacher asked us to draw family tree and write all our relatives on it. It seemed to me the scheme in the book was very simple and not convenient.
I have an idea to work out my own scheme, to collect and to show more information about my relatives. I’d like to design my own family tree. I think know the roots of my family is very important and actual in nowadays. Genealogia is (a Greek word) a historical discipline studying an origin and relatives of different hinds and persons of a various social origin. The aim of my work is the design of my family tree. Tasks • to collect information about my relatives • to translate it into English • to design the scheme of my family tree The methods • To take the interview • To work with the file of the family (photos, letters, dairies) I would like to make an electronic album of my family.
Sybase sql anywhere 12 free download version. Passport The first state – preparation What to do How to do Participant Responsible Date 1. To collect information about relatives to work with albums, letters, dairies Tiunova K.

To talk with parents about relatives to take an interview Tiunova K. Parents relatives Tiunova K. To work out the scheme of the family tree to work in the internet Tiunova K. A sister Tiunova K. A teacher February The second stage – writing 1. To work with information to write texts using symbols as a plan Tiunova K. A teacher March to translate texts into English Tiunova K.
A teacher March to scan photos Tiunova K. A sister Tiunova K. A teacher March • To design an electronic album “Family Tree” to make slides (presentation) Tiunova K. A teacher Tiunova K. A teacher March The third stage - conclusion 1.
To make a conclusion to appreciate all stages Tiunova K. A teacher Tiunova K. A teacher March 2. To perform the results of the project to show the project relatives, and classmates Tiunova K. April The conclusion I have achieved the aim of my work.
I’ve designed the electronic album “Family Tree”. First of all I found the example of the scheme of my family tree, then I collected the information about my relatives.I worked with family’s file, interviewed relatives, read letters and diaries. During my work on the project I have improved my English, have learned how to make slides and have known how to do the project. Finally I have made a genealogical tree of three generations of my family. I hop English written texts can be used as cards at the lessons. I’m sure the electronic album “Family Tree” will be added by my children and they will pass it from one generation to another. You’d be nuts to miss a chance to take part in this competition.
Panzer corps mods. I think that my work is interesting and fascinating not only for me but for some students who wants to know about their own relatives. It is not the end of my work I continue my work. Literature • Family’s file • Wikipedia • Enjoy English 3 – Student’s Book - Obninsk: Titul Publishers, 2007. • English-Russian Dictionary - Moscow Russian Language Publishers 1981, 53000 entries, V.K. Appendix 1 Scheme family tree Appendix 2 Symbols • Date of birth X Wedding?
Education ☺ Children ~ Job ( occupation ) * Participant of the WWII ¤ Orders Appendix 3 File • Tiunov Aleksandr Filimovich – my greatgrandfather • 20 September 1909 + 09 May 2001 X 1927? 2 classes ~ a farmer ☺ 3 children * 1941 – 1945 ¤the Order of the Red Star Tiunov Aleksandr Filimonovich was born in the village Voznesenskoe, Perm region. He was born in an ordinary family.