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Author: Lisa Harrison ISBN: 227 Genre: Political Science File Size: 31. 78 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi Download: 750 Read: 953 Political Research: An Introduction has been designed to provide an excellent starting point for those new to the area of Research Methods. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject and sets out the key issues involved in doing research in Politics. It guides students through a complex and often daunting subject by exploring the many concepts associated with the field, as well as offering practical advice on research practices and information resources. Features and benefits of this textbook include: * boxed case studies in each chapter to illustrate and clarify key concepts, and highlight the practical use of different research methods * a useful glossary, giving easy access to definitions of key terms * a dedicated web-site containing sample material, extra case studies, important links, and essential resources for both teachers and students. Author: Paul Pennings ISBN: 769 Genre: Political Science File Size: 52. 48 MB Format: PDF, ePub Download: 542 Read: 947 This is an immensely helpful book for students starting their own research.
Sociology, Census Update (13th Edition) Chapter-by-Chapter Changes What’s new to the Thirteenth Edition? Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life photo essays—in ev. Author: John J.
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An excellent introduction to the comparative method giving an authoritative overview over the research process - Klaus Armingeon, University of Bern Doing Research in Political Science is the book for mastering the comparative method in all the social sciences - Jan-Erik Lane, University of Geneva This book has established itself as a concise and well-readable text on comparative methods and statistics in political science I.strongly recommend it. - Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps-University Marburg This thoroughly revised edition of the popular textbook offers an accessible but comprehensive introduction to comparative research methods and statistics for students of political science. Clearly organized around three parts, the text introduces the main theories and methodologies used in the discipline. Part 1 frames the comparative approach within the methodological framework of the political and social sciences. Part 2 introduces basic descriptive and inferential statistical methods as well as more advanced multivariate methods used in quantitative political analysis. Part 3 applies the methods and techniques of Parts 1 & 2 to research questions drawn from contemporary themes and issues in political science. Incorporating practice exercises, ideas for further reading and summary questions throughout, Doing Research in Political Science provides an invaluable step-by-step guide for students and researchers in political science, comparative politics and empirical political analysis.
Phillips Shively ISBN: Genre: Political Science File Size: 33. 25 MB Format: PDF, ePub Download: 125 Read: 951 This highly accessible book provides a basic introduction to the nature of research questions and methods of empirical research in political science.It describes the cooperative process, as well as the logic of empirical measurement and analysis of observations, in the conception and pursuit of a research project.
Emphasizing the design of interesting research questions and basic problems of measurement and data analysis, the book relies more on intuitive understanding than on formal development. Phillips Shively wrote this book in 1970, when he was an assistant professor at Yale University. In teaching a number of sections of Introduction to Research to undergraduates there, he had found that the students benefited from an introduction that emphasized the internal logic of research methods and the collective, cooperative nature of the research process.