Drunk Quest Print And Play

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To begin, go to the following website and read about what alcohol is: Then, answer the following question: What are the three ways that alcohol can be made? Go to this website and read the alcohol timeline by clicking on the icons: Then, answer the following question: What was introduced in the U.S. During the years of 1919 – 1933? This task has been removed, move onto task #4. Visit the following website, read the info, click the buttons on the left-side of the panel, and repeat until you have completed all sections of the interactive body 5.

Go to the following website and take the following quiz: Write down the number of questions you got correct in the space below. ____ of 9 correct B. Access the following link and watch the consequences of alcohol use. The really graphic images are actually from mock disasters, so don’t be alarmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important: You may have to close the ad to view PDF's by clicking on the X in the upper right hand side for the video to display! Update:Tasks 6, 7, and 8 may not be working due to the website being down. If that is the caae, write N/A for these tasks and move on to task #9.

Feb 11, 2014 - You can play “Drunk Quest” with 3-6 of your closest liquor imbibing friends. Game play generally takes 30-60 mins to play, depending on how.

Drunk quest print and play games

Go to the website and type in the username: jchs and the password: student to enter the website. Then, left-click on the word “alcohol.” Left-click on “Q&A” and then left-click on “alcohol in the body” and follow the directions.

Left-click on close window when finished. Next, left-click on “What is alcoholism?” Read the information, left-click on play for the memory game to reveal a hidden message and write it down in the space below. Left-click on close window when finished. ________________________________________________________ 7.

At the same website as # 6, click on “back to alcohol” in the upper left corner of the screen. Left-click on “health beat” on the right side of the screen. How to convert rxe files to rbt. Here you are to explore all four areas from “effects on the body” to “reaction time.” Once you begin the reaction time game, record the information below.

You may practice this game all the way through once before recording your scores. Normal Hits_____ Misses_____ Accuracy On Alcohol Hits_____ Misses_____ Accuracy Left-click on close window when finished.

Staying on the same website, left-click on “brain check” on the right side of the page. Here you are to take the short quiz and then left-click on “submit” when finished. Write down the number of questions you got correct in the space below. Update: If this doesn't provide you a score regarding your correct responses, just write down what it says. Examples include 'Great Job' or 'Please Retake After Reviewing Our Website.' If no feedback is provided, just write NA in the space provided for your score. ____ of 10 correct 9.

Go to this website and complete the following information regarding the effects of alcohol The body responds to alcohol in stages, which correspond to an increase in BAC: 1. ____________ (BAC = 0.03 to 0.12 percent) 1. They become more self-confident or daring. Their attention span shortens. They may look flushed. Their judgement is not as good -- they may say the first thought that comes to mind, rather than an appropriate comment for the given situation.

They have trouble with fine movements, such as writing or signing their name. Excitement (BAC = 0.09 to 0.25 percent) 1. ______________________________________________________ 2.

They have trouble understanding or remembering things (even recent events). They do not react to situations as quickly (if they spill a drink they may just stare at it). ______________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________ 6.

Their becomes blurry. They may have trouble sensing things (hearing, tasting, feeling, etc.). __________________ (BAC = 0.18 to 0.30 percent) 1. They are confused -- might not know where they are or what they are doing. ______________________________________________________ 3. They may be highly emotional -- aggressive, withdrawn or overly affectionate.