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Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher are two components of the Microsoft Office suite --- Publisher appears as part of the Office Professional 2010 version --- and offer you many similarities. In fact, after the initial setup of most documents, navigation and functionality is extremely close, and the choice of program may be more one of preference or availability. For desktop publishing projects like setting up a book, both Word and Publisher offer quickstart templates and assistance along the way to starting your next bestseller. Start Microsoft Word or Publisher.
English: Siamese fighting fish. Pages in category 'Betta splendens' This category contains only the following page. Betta splendens; Media in category 'Betta splendens' The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total. Aquarium fish red.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 304 KB. Legendary IGL @grsjuricM with his past and present pupils. Too bad not every pupil can succeed and get better than his master. @madennCS @c0llinsCS @MUFFYcs @andr1xCS.
On Publisher's Available Templates screen, click the 'Programs' button. Double-click the '1/2 Letter Booklet 5.5 x 8.5' button in the Blank Sizes section. Click 'Yes' at the Automatically Insert Pages pop-up. This ensures you have the proper four-page layout.
Madame bamboo 1991. In Word, click the 'File' tab, click 'New' and click the 'Books' file folder icon. Double-click one of the file folder icons.

Don't worry if your book category isn't listed; everything is customizable. Double-click a template to open the book to the screen.