Innova 3140 Software Update
• If you have an OBDLink with Bluetooth option, be sure to before upgrading the firmware from version 2.0.2 or older to version 2.1.0 or newer. Alternatively, you can manually.
Fn browning model 1910 serial numbers search. • Some diagnostic software may not work with versions 2.1.0 and above. Check to make sure your software supports 115.2 kbps before upgrading, or manually. • Downgrading from version 2.x.x to version 1.x.x will cause all programmable parameters (AT PP) to be reset to factory defaults.
Download and update firmware for products: wildgame innovations firmware update, equus innova 3130 abs firmware upgrade, innova 3130c firmware update, innova 3100 firmware, innova 3100 abs firmware update, drift innovation hd ghost firmware, innova 3100j firmware update, innova scan tool 3140 how to update firmware, innova 3120 firmware update, innova 3040c firmware update, innova 3160. 2.2.1 Technical specifications of the Innova 3140 OBD II/OBD 1 scan tool. 2.3 Innova 3120. They are improving and updating each model almost every year. OBD-PC Link™ software required / included with tool: Yes.