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How To install Polska TV Kodi Addon. Polska TV Kodi addon is the perfect fit for those who want to watch Polska Live TV. It also contains sections for TV shows, Movies, Series, Music and more. The advantage of using this addon is that it streams high quality at low bandwidth. So you can watch the content without buffering.
Contents • • • • • • • • 1 Introduction This How To will explain several ways of showing a 'Hello World' popup on screen 2 Examples 2.1 Using xbmc modules Simple example using xbmc python modules showing a notification dialog that will show for 5 seconds. 2.1.1 using build-in functions More info on Built-In functions can be found here: We will two examples. One with just a simple notification dialog and the other with the same dialog but with using variables. It all depends on how extended you scripts will be. Since we require all used strings to be localized (translatable) we recommend the second option. Import xbmcaddon import xbmcgui __addon__ = xbmcaddon.
Addon () __addonname__ = __addon__. GetAddonInfo ( 'name' ) line1 = 'This is a simple example of OK dialog' line2 = 'Showing this message using' line3 = 'XBMC python modules' xbmcgui. Ok ( __addonname__, line1, line2, line3 ) 2.2 Using JSON-RPC 2.3 Using xbmc modules & JSON-RPC API More info on JSON-RPC API can be found here: This JSON-RPC command send through various ways and will execute the addon code that is shown below. Import xbmcgui import sys import urlparse class PopupWindow ( xbmcgui.
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WindowDialog ): def __init__ ( self, image, line1, line2, line3, line4, line5 ): self. AddControl ( xbmcgui. ControlImage ( x = 25, y = 25, width = 150, height = 150, filename = image [ 0 ])) self. AddControl ( xbmcgui.
ControlLabel ( x = 190, y = 25, width = 500, height = 25, label = line1 [ 0 ])) self. AddControl ( xbmcgui.
ControlLabel ( x = 190, y = 50, width = 500, height = 25, label = line2 [ 0 ])) self. AddControl ( xbmcgui.
ControlLabel ( x = 190, y = 75, width = 500, height = 25, label = line3 [ 0 ])) self. AddControl ( xbmcgui. ControlLabel ( x = 190, y = 100, width = 500, height = 25, label = line4 [ 0 ])) self. AddControl ( xbmcgui. ControlLabel ( x = 190, y = 125, width = 500, height = 25, label = line5 [ 0 ])) if __name__ == '__main__': params = urlparse.
Parse_qs ( '&'. Argv [ 1:])) window = PopupWindow ( ** params ) window. Show () xbmc. Sleep ( 5000 ) window. Close () del window 3 See also Development: • • •.