Laboratornaya Rabota Sravnenie Molyarnih Teploemkostej Metallov

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Laboratornaya Rabota Sravnenie Molyarnih Teploemkostej Metallov 4,0/5 3151 reviews

Www: Laboratory of Growth Regulators has been created in 1995 as a joined facility of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University () and Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (). Of the laboratory is aimed primary at small molecules that regulate cell division cycle, proliferation and growth of both plant and animal cells. Namely cytokinins and cytokinin-derived purine inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases belongs to the most intensively studied compounds. The representative of the latter, roscovitine (CYC202, seliciclib), already undergoes phase II clinical trials in patients as a novel anticancer drug held by (for more information see actual ). Our multidisciplinary is composed of experienced plant physiologists, biochemists as well as organic and analytical chemists.


Laboratory of Growth Regulators has been created in 1995 as a joined facility of the Faculty of Science, Palacký University ( and Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic ( program of the laboratory is aimed primary at small molecules that regulate cell division cycle, proliferation and growth of both plant and animal cells.

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Many students are involved in the research during their pregradual and postgraduate studies of botany, analytical and organic chemistry, biochemistry or medicinal biology, respectively. Laboratory of Growth Regulators guarantees the for biological study programs.

Members of the laboratory give lectures from general botany, plant physiology, microbiology, chemistry, molecular biology, including practical courses and seminars. Several reseach projects are in progress in colaboration with international partners (University of Berlin, Germany; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden; University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; Vienna Medical University, Austria).