Nikon F100 Serial Number List

All F100's have a plastic rewind fork. The original design has triangular tips, the improved design has square tips.
The camera you have is being misrepresented with respect to age (at least as far as manufacture date - it is certainly possible it may have been purchased as 'new old stock' two years ago) as it is definitely much older than two years. The rewind fork design was changed with serial numbers AFTER 21654XX, which happened early in the production run around late 2000 / early 2001? (the F100 was introduced around Dec/99). See here for more info on the rewind fork (scroll down a bit): Since it is very likely the first F100 was serial number 20000xxx, you are looking at one of the first 50,000 or so. I own one with serial number 224xxxx that is probably AT LEAST two years old.
I shot about 100 rolls with my F100, serial number was 202xxxx, can't remember for sure. El dvigatelj sd 10 podklyuchenie. I bought it second hand in 2002 and sold it in late 2004. Never had a problem with the rewind fork but it was always in the back of my mind.
All you'd do in the case of the fork breaking is go into a room with no light, open the back, and carefully pull the exposed film out from the take-up spool, and then manually wind it into the cartridge. Jadsoftware internet evidence finder 351 incl crack vokeon code. This won't hurt the camera if you do it carefully. I've never done this with an F100, never had to, but have done it with a number of other cameras.
Another good reason to get either an F3 or F4, or F5 (if you have strong arms) in place of the F100. I bought an F3HP and am very happy with it.

New Listing Nikon F100 35mm SLR Film Camera from. Nikon F100 35mm SLR Film Camera Body With Original Box Serial No Matched #EB0076. Number of bids and bid. Nov 05, 2005 Many professionals carried the F100 as a backup to the F5 and many carried only F100(s). My F100 came with the improved rewind fork. It’s serial number is US2181xxx. I bought my F100 in November 2000. Regards, Dave Hartman.