War In The Pacific Admirals Edition Download
1.01.24 Fixed 1. Display of AF/Port icon between player saves based on player's intel 2. Return mines loaded on ship to pool when ship is upgraded. Otherwise, they are lost when weapon list updated 3. Reported cargo/troop safety values incorrect when no cargo/troop space 4. Allow smaller 'reserve' space for small groups on ships 5. Preserve some more data when swapping fragment and parent to prevent lost of parent 6.
Correct attacking plane count before final post-air combat 7. Pilot promotion may have occured in error sometimes 8. Raid detect message sometimes dropped of the combat report 9.
Some TFs did not auto-refuel when at base. TF with Support ships loaded with supply generally 10. Some pilot-leader connections were being corrupted 11. Movement bug with following units due to incorrect move indicator. Seems to fix a few other move issues due to the incorrect indicator 12. Wrong ship sometimes reported in Ops report for TF movement which causes some damage 13.
Coda.fm War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition Games 1 hours bt-chat.com War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition Games Yesterday 1337x.to War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition Games 1 hours linuxtracker.org War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition Games Yesterday kickass.to War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition Games 11 min.
Escorts being assigned to auto-convoy TFs when not in the AC ship pool 14. Status (static,restricted,etc) filter of ground reinforcement/withdraw not working with the date sort 15.
ASW groups not allowed to attack sometimes 16. Fragment size not set sometimes at time of the fragment/parent swap. This was causing HQ/LCU to jump to reinforcement queue 17. Bug in bomber intercept if too many rounds of fighter v fighter combat 18. Required Aviation Support is NOT capped at 250 for the human pl;ayer.
This was removed at start of AE but crept back in sometime during updates 19. Removed the fragment/parent swap during a TF unload as it could often orphan the fragment. Clear patrol levels if the patrol leveles are not valid after a aircraft upgrade 21. Additional victory conditions for post 44/45 apply only to game-time of over 3 years (ie not short scenario).
This was fixed in a previous patch but only for one of the VCs, not the full set 22. Certain sequence of actions allowed enemy LCUs to be visible at enemy base 23. Enabled 'z' to speed up all animations; was commented out in a few animation replays 24.

Bug caused F/FB to sometimes bomb at low altitude 25. Aircraft factory upgrade not always happening on time resulting in short span upgrades not occurring properly. Bug in Industry 'failed' indication not showing properly sometimes 27. Location check at scenario load to include small map sceanrios 28. Bug in air supply to fragments in a non-friendly base hex 29. Using way-points defeats some TF missions (eg bombardment) as the TF destination was being set to homebase before execution of the mission – ie was returning to base immediately 30. Error in Strategic map display 31.
Additional and stockpile options were not turned off when base was captured 32. Correct LCUs that were being changed to a base (type 6) resulting in 2 bases showing on mouse over 33. Digu dasa tamil mp3 song download. Army experience being gained when not 100% prepared as per manual; changed to allow chance to gain experience if >75% prepare and 2 or in TF docked) should allow this. Pilot losses caused be bombs (as in bombardments) to pilots was adjusting the Allied counts and not Japaense ones. Show Port re-arm level on ship list screens at base. Does not account for tenders, just the port 2. On ship display, class ammo level will be in GREEN if weapon can be reloaded at base.
Tenders not counted 3. When showing mine device on ship, show '!' Next to mine ammo if can reload at base 4.
Ability to transfer ship in TF screen directly (disband) to the base in the hex. Quick method to remove damaged ships from TF 5. New filter for “non-building” devices in Industry pool screen 6. New filter for “non-building” aircraft in Air Replacement pool screen 7. On base list, an indicator is shown next to port value if any friendly mines (*) or enemy mines (^) detected 8. New symbol setting of 19 for Commando/raider type unit. If there are extra icons in the ‘button6.’ image files, then these will be shown.
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