Adobe Flash Cs6 Exam Questions And Answers
Adobe Flash was previously called Macromedia Flash. This Flash Interview Questions and Answers guide is a platform to learn that Flash is a multimedia a application originally acquired by Macromedia and currently developed and distributed by Adobe Systems. Learn Adbobe Flash by our Flash Interview Questions and Answers. Use this study guide to prepare for the Adobe Certified Associate Rich Media Communication using Flash CS6 exam. The study guide includes preparation.
Places a shape in something of a group element. This is similar too how objects are created in adobe illustrator.AS - Action Script File Object Drawing URL Motion Path 2.
You use the selection tool to click on some objects on the stage. Then you see a blue box (usually) around your object. Which panel gives you the information of whether what you selected is a symbol - text - movie clip - etc.? Motion Tween Motion Presets ActionScript Properties Panel 3. A thing which possess characteristics - functions/methods - and attributes. Event Listener Object Dynamic Text Properties Inspector 4. To make an ________ - once when you created a motion tween - select any frame in between two key frames - and set the rotation in the 'Properties Panel' Blank key frame Animation spin Callback function ActionScript 5.
Animation of an object from one location to another. Time line Motion Tween Object Drawing Video Formats 6. Contains details of the artwork and Stage Frame-by-frame Animation Properties Inspector Callback function Motion Editor 7. By default you will see the essentials workspace but you can also click on the drop down and choose other types of workspaces or create and save your own. Workspaces Shapes Empty Frame Time line 8.
Allows for joint like animation. Symbols Frame-by-frame Animation Callback function Bones 9. Motion picture. Animation Play head Object Different keyframe 10. Text that allows user input. Different keyframe Input Text Break apart Object Drawing 11.
A powerful multimedia creation tool for the web. Can be used to create and display content ranging from simple animations - video - to sound and to content rich applications. Adobe Flash Animation spin Video Formats Static Text 12. Animation on a path -You would have to create a motion tween first.
Then Right Click and 'Add Motion Guide'. Then select the top layer and draw your guided motion. Keyframes.FLA Shapes Motion Guide 13. A block of reusable code. Function Static Text Input Text Library Panel 14. You can _________ like you import a graphic (file --> import) - you can also adjust the compression method including bit rates. Compression is only applied when the file is exported and not to the original audio file.
Merge Drawing Blank key frame Shapes Import Sound 15. Allows you to create an manipulate artwork. Toolbar Properties Inspector Import Graphic Event Listener 16.
When you place action script in frames you must use ________. ActionScript Keyframes Function Import Graphic 17. Marks the end of the change in animation.
Dynamic Text Animation Ending of a key frame Event Listener 18. Text that does not change. Motion tween Test Movie Static Text.FLA 19.
Gives you control over the individual properties in animation. X & Y position - rotation - alpha - filters - etc. Saeco via torretta 230 user manual.
You can also add other properties as well. Import Graphic Motion Editor Empty Key Frame URL 20.
A function that is triggered by another function when something is true. Callback function Tweening Different keyframe Function 21. Among the most important building blocks in flash and are needed for creating most animations and for creating 3D effects. To create a symbol f8. Symbols are stored in the library. What you see on the stage is called an instance. Break apart Symbols Dynamic Text Event Listener 22.
Something that you drag to move to indicate your current frame. (Orange/Red in color). Motion shape tween Library Panel Input Text Play head 23. To ______ a word (with two characters or more) into individual single character. Select the object - then choose Modify > Break Apart Break apart Motion Presets Stage Play head 24. Another name for empty key frame.
Blank key frame FPS (frames per second) Properties Inspector Library Panel 25. The number of picture displayed in a second in Flash. Adobe Flash FPS (frames per second) Import Graphic Frame 26. You can _________ by going to file then import then placing them into the stage (working area) or to your library which you can pull from at any time.
Break apart Import Graphic Callback function Blank key frame 27. The programming language that goes with Flash.
Icr touch software free download. Test Movie Motion Presets ActionScript Motion Tween 28. The main working flash file. This is where you create your flash content and flash animations. Empty Frame Callback function Time line.FLA 29.