Content Downloader Nulled
Description is a free download manager for WordPress. It gives your users the ability to download digital media files from your website. The plugin is lightweight and makes downloading easier. You can create beautiful download button which instantly starts the download once clicked. Requirements • A self-hosted website running on Features • Create quick downloads • Free downloads for music or audio files e.g. Mp3, aac, m4a, wav • Insert download buttons into your landing page • Free downloads for video files e.g. Mp4, mov, qt (QuickTime), mpg, mpeg, flv, m4v, swf, flash, avi, wma, ogg, webm • Allow users to directly download in all file formats • Free downloads for document file e.g.
Includes permissions, so you can set who can download threads or user content, and also who can have their posting content downloaded. Images Warlock, zorerkek, denizci-1 and 6 others like this.
Doc, docx (OpenOffice, Microsoft Word), odt (OpenDocument), htm, html, ps, tex, xml, txt, csv • Allow large file download (No limit on the file size) • Free downloads for Office file e.g. Xlsx (Microsoft Excel), pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint) • Accept donations for your free digital downloads using PayPal • Free downloads for script e.g. Js, css, php • Track/Monitor your downloads • Free downloads for archive or compressed file e.g. Tar, rar, zip, 7z, gz, z • Force the browser to open the download prompt • Free downloads for image file e.g. Png, gif, jpg, jpeg, bmp • Open the download in a new tab • Free downloads for e-book e.g.
Pdf, epub For more information please check the documentation page Embedding Shortcodes for the Downloads Create a new post/page and use the following shortcode to create a download button for your digital media file: [easy_media_download url='here, url is a shortcode parameter that you need to replace with the actual URL to your digital file You can also specify additional optional parameters in the shortcode to customize the free download button. Button Text By default the text for the download button is “Download Now”. But you can choose to modify the text using the “text” parameter. Serial 2 s complementer shift register. [easy_media_download url='text='Free Download'] Button Width By default the width for the download button is “153”. But you can choose to modify it using the “width” parameter.
[easy_media_download url='text='Free Download' width='100'] Button Height By default the height for the download button is “41”. But you can choose to modify it using the “height” parameter. [easy_media_download url='text='Free Download' width='100' height='50'] Download in a new window By default the download starts in the same window. But you can choose to modify it using the “target” parameter. [easy_media_download url='target='_blank'] (opens the download in a new window)Force File Download Usually when a digital file is recognised by the browser it does not prompt for download.

The file just opens in the browser instead. You can choose to modify this behaviour using the force_dl parameter in the shortcode. [easy_media_download url='force_dl='1']Download Button Templates Easy Media Download comes with 21 different download button templates. Alamat dokter spesialis saraf di surabaya. All you need to do is specify the style and the button will look just like it.
For example: [easy_media_download url='color='red_darker'] • grey • grey_light • red • green_dark • green_light • green • blue • blue_two • blue_three • blue_four • orange • orange_two • orange_light • orange_dark • purple • purple_dark • purple_light • yellow_red • hot_pink • pink If you want to fully customize the download button you can use your own button image instead. Link Rel You can use the HTML link rel attribute in the shortcode to define the relationship between your page and the linked download. [easy_media_download url='rel='nofollow']Custom CSS Class In addition to various button templates, If you want to apply custom styling to a button you can do so by using the class parameter. [easy_media_download url='class='myclass'] You can specify multiple CSS classes in the shortcode. [easy_media_download url='class='myclass1 myclass2 myclass3']Embedding a Donation Button for Free Download You can accept donations from users visiting your site for your free downloads.
Simply use the following shortcode with your PayPal email address in it. [emd_donation email=''] Donation Currency The default currency is “USD”. But you can also accept payments in your preferred currency using the “currency” parameter. [emd_donation email='' currency='CAD'] (This will set the currency to Canadian Dollar) Payment Page Language The default locale for the payment page is “US”. But you can set it to your preferred language using the “locale” parameter. [emd_donation email='' locale='BE'] (This will set the locale to Belgium) Donation Button Image You can customize the donation button by specifying your preferred image in the shortcode.