Ferguson Ariva 150 Combo Firmware Patch
Os traigo el Firmware Patch para Ferguson Ariva 153 Combo a su version v1.33B1 que para mi opinion es el que mejor me va y estable a dia de hoy. Dentro del archivo hay instrucciones para actualizar con USB.
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Yer one of the few bee, the majority if not all I have spoke to have the same issue with a Cline in the 250 and 150, they jump, glitch in cycles of 10/15 secs, Have tested various types ( some excellent ones to) and the same thing, juump and glitch, so your right with your remark above about some working or not, these boxs, tend to be either good or utter crap, depending what you get, the early ones seem to have the issues, with them getting the ASH issue on genuine firmware to sharing issues, but they seem to be ironing them out as new batches of boxs come out it seems. Hi all, got meself a 202e box, started messing around with it and thought I would post what has, and has not happened.
5- Click on PDA button and select: CODE_I9100xxxxx_CL161513_REV02_user_low_ship.tar.md5 6- Click on PHONE button and select: MODEM_I9100xxxxx_REV_02_CL995882.tar.md5 7- Click on CSC button and select: GT-I9100-MULTI-CSC-Oxxxxx.tar.md5 8- Turn Off your Galaxy S2 and put it into Download Mode ( Press Volume Down + Home then Power button). 11- You should see the COM port number of your device at Odin3 window ( 0:[COMxx]). Samsung galaxy s2 review. 12- Click on the Start button to let Odin3 flasher install the new firmware files on your Galaxy S2. 9- Use the USB cable to connect it to the computer. 10- Wait until the computer detects the newly connected device completely and installs the needed drivers for it.
First off, I flashed image patch V1 20B1,upto now seems to be running fine. I then started looking for a channel list. Couldn't find any, for 202e so tried one made for 102, big mistake, dont work and bricked box. Flash with null modem lead, connect lead to com make sure box is off at power, start Erom upgrade program'get it from Ferguson site'.
Click next, then switch power on,at back of box. When it finds your box, let it flash.
So back to drawing board,reflashed, started scanning sats for channels manually. All ok, so then using channel editor started creating channel list, this will bore the monkeys of you.
When i complete it I will upload it, might be an idea to upload unfinshed and everybody can add to it and upload it again. Overall, within a short period of time tinkering with the box, it seems ok.