Karbyurator K151s Regulirovka
K151s carburetor. The main jet is installed on the top of the case. To be more precise, in the area of emulsion wells. Under the air nozzles there are 2. Regulirovka_Gbo_Lovato_2_Pokoleniya_Karbyurator_OUAM6U.exe 391.87 KB 可能感兴趣: Regulirovka Pokoleniya Karbyurator Regulirovka _Gbo_Lovato_2_Pokoleniya_Karbyurator_XI0DR9.exe.
Chainsaw is one of the irreplaceabletools in a private household. It is very important that this tool functions continuously and without interruption. The quality of the chainsaw's operation largely depends on the reliability of the carburetor. As it is used Walbro. This carburetor is quite reliable. But he sometimes needs adjustment, prevention and repair. Well, let's look at the features of this node.

Mechanism arrangement The device is supplied in an aluminum casing,which is made by casting. Inside it there are internal channels with contours. These are diffusers. Air passes through them, which is then sucked up by the internal combustion engine. The diffuser has fuel channels.When air passes through the element, it is connected to the gasoline stream, forming a combustible mixture.
The fuel pump, the system of jets, as well as the mechanism that allows you to adjust the parameters of the mixture, are installed from the outside and are integrated into the Walbro carburetor. The power that can be developed by the engine chainsaw, as well as the amount of air in the carburetor, is regulated by the throttle. Pump impulse chamber for fuel injection. It is delivered via a pulse channel, which connects to the motor boat. Home and exile chinua achebe pdf to doc.
When the piston in the cylinder moves, the pressure in the crankcase changes. These changes affect the operation of the fuel pump membrane. The pump is forced to start, while its operation is synchronized with changes in pressure in the crankcase. Its level depends on the engine speed. The fuel is fed to the carburetor from the tank through a special carburettor fitting. Passes through a diaphragm, an inlet and an exhaust valve on the fuel pump, and also through the filter.
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Then the mixture along the fuel channel past the needle enters the chamber where the control membrane is located. Needle valve, or rather a needle, with the aid of a lever is in connection with the membrane. The chamber below it, through a special hole, opens into the atmosphere.
Operating principle Carburetor Walbro for chainsaw functions forthe pressure change in the crankcase of the motor. At the beginning of the intake stroke, the air begins to flow through the diffuser by means of a vacuum. Its volume depends on the speed of the motor and its load. Also, it depends on what positionis the throttle.
It is controlled by a special handle. Using fuel jets, during the passage of air, a mixture is formed. Next, gasoline is sprayed and a finished mixture is obtained, optimal for combustion.
Usually, it is prepared in a proportion of 1 to 14. Then the mixture will fall into the cylinders, where the combustion cycle takes place.
Due to the fact that the volume below the control membrane is connected to the atmosphere, it is shifted upwards. Then, using the lever, it pulls the needle behind it, opening the fuel channel.
So, the next dose of fuel gets into the camera. As the fuel chamber is filled with gasoline, the membrane will go to its usual place. The needle valve closes and, as a result, the right amount of gasoline appears inside the chamber. It will be fed through jets. This process is cyclical and constantly repeated. To adjust the amount of fuel that will come from fuel jets, there is a diffuser.
The Walbro carburetor is equipped with adjusting screws. The first - the main, the second - to adjust the idle.
As a result of the rotation of these screws, the mixture is enriched or impoverished. If you twist them, then the mixture becomes richer. If you twist - will become poor. It is necessary to choose the optimal ratio to1 kg of fuel accounted for 14 kilograms of air. The manufacturer has additionally provided the possibility of adjusting the idle speed.
This screw can be found from the outside. If you twist it, it rests against the lever installed on the throttle shaft. By rotating these screws, you can independently adjust the carburetor to obtain the required power in a variety of conditions. How to understand that the carburettor adjustment is required? There are several features that canTalk about the incorrect operation of the Walbro device. Carburetor in these cases must be adjusted. If the engine chainsaw starts with great difficulty and immediately after the start of stall, the cause of this phenomenon in a non-optimal fuel mixture.
In other words, she is too poor. Also, the carburetor requires tuning, if suddenly the saw began consuming too much fuel. Another of the signs is the more amount of exhaust gas. This is a signal that the mixture burns incompletely. She's too rich. The fixing screws may be broken. This happens due to strong vibrations and various defects of the protective cap.