Laboratornaya Rabota Viyavlenie I Opisanie Priznakov Shodstva Zarodishej Chelov
It is easy to find on the internet, praising Tullio Simoncinis approach. But reports of actual harm caused by acceptance of his ideas are also surfacing. You just wont find them on Tullio Simoncinis or his proponents web sites, as they wish to give you the impression, that their treatment is harmless and cheap in contrast to chemotherapy, which is both damaging to the body and One should understand, that these reports are only the 'tip of the ice berg'. Dead people don´t talk, and only seldom do relatives step forward. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown male, Italy 34 years old diagnosed with terminal colon cancer.
Treated by Tullio Simoncini with infusion of sodium bicarbonate into the tumor. As a result the bowel perforated, and the patient died. The italian court system sentenced Simoncini to 3 years in jail for manslaughter, but he has since then been paroled as part of a general amnesty issued by president Silvio Berlusconi. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown male, USA Diagnosed with likely glioblastoma (An aggressive type of brain cancer). He was told that it would cost 20.000 Euros cash for insertion of a catheter into the brain (at a clinic in Serbia) and an additional 150 Euros cash/day for infusion of sodium bicarbonate (in Rome). In the course of Tullio Simoncinis treatment with Sodium Bicarbonate (2nd or 3rd day), he developed massive brain hemorrage and heart attack. Subsequently he was declared brain dead, and life support was removed.
Created Date: Wed Aug 14 13. It is easy to find testimonials on the internet, praising Tullio Simoncinis approach. But reports of actual harm caused by acceptance of his ideas are also surfacing. You just wont find them on Tullio Simoncinis or his proponents web sites, as they wish to give you the impression, that their treatment is harmless and cheap in contrast to chemotherapy, which is both damaging to the body.
The relatives paid approximately 40.000 $ in cash (app. 28.000 Euros) directly to Tullio Simoncini. And follow up --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylvia, Holland 58 years old. Diagnosed with breast cancer. Decided not to have conventional treatment. Instead she went to a clinic for the Tullio Simoncini treatment. She paid nearly 11.000 euros (~ 15.500 $).
Soglasna s Liyey, Kriliya deistvitelno smeshnie!! Navernoe, Evelina sebya ne videla v etom platie szadi. Ne ponravilas Yana, chto-to uj ona sporit postoyanno, ne daet Eveline slova skazat. C) Ochenj malenkie sobaki mnogie merzko zluchie. Nu I hren s nimi, mnogo vreda ne nanesut. Lish odin raz videla nedobrogo staffika. Pozavchera 4 staffika menya zalizali do umopomracheniya. Kogda shenok bil malenkii ya tozhe boyalas, chto on budet kak vse govoryat. A seichas mi ego zovem 'plyush'. Canada Goose Jakke Canada Goose Jacket clear the box within of but also lug the possibly can in the direction of front yard. Ochenj smeshnie slova dlya krokodila. A escho oni ochen smeshnie I predannie. Ochenj malenkie sobaki mnogie merzko zluchie. Chtobi chelovek razyarennuu boem sobaku mog raznyat bez posledstvii dlya.
She died because of complications to injections of sodium bicarbonate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marjolein Bouwman, Holland 25 years old. Diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Decided to have sodium bicarbonate infusisons by Tullio Simoncini instead of conventional treatment. Was declared cured by Tullio Simoncini. Later on it turned out that she was not cured, and the cancer had now extensively metastasized.
Died of cancer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Aysha', Italy Young woman diagnosed with cancers in both breasts (in 2004 and 2006).
Originally treated with surgery, chemotherapy followed by reconstruction of the breasts. Subsequently a recurrence in the skin was found. She decided to have it treated by Tullio Simoncini instead of conventional treatment.
The condition worsens, and Tullio Simoncini loses interest in her. Because of the progression she was being attacked on an internet forum on alternative medicine, and finally banned. The people she expected to care about her let her down in the end. She died in october 2008. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beth, USA Young woman diagnosed with breast cancer. Decided not to have conventional treatment. Among the treatments she had chosen was injections of sodium bicarbonate into the tumor by Tullio Simoncini. She blogged about her experiences and received comments from several people warning her against Simoncinis treatment.